New Chairman in Azsigorta

The insurance company Azsigorta has received a new chairman of the Board of Directors appointed by the general meeting of shareholders.

According to the information on the company’s website, it is Alexander Kananadze, who from November 2014 worked as deputy of Shadiya Amanova. Along with him came to the board Ziya Talibov and Murad Ahmedov elected for a term of 1 year.

Kananadze graduated from the Moscow State Technical University named after Baumann and is Master in Finance. For 15 years he worked in leading positions in the world's largest insurance companies - Allianz and Zurich.

 Azsigorta with registered capital of 20.3 million AZN has been acting in the local insurance market since 2006. The only founder and owner is Hikmet Ismayilov.

The company is affiliated with Gilan Holding owned by the brothers Nijat and Taleh Heydarov (sons of the Emergencies Minister Kamaladdin Heydarov).

According to the State Insurance Supervision Service, last year the company collected 32.76 million mantas as premiums (minus 10.85% to 2014), paying 7.9 million manats (minus 19.2%). --17D-

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