The insurance company AXA MBASK, having the most extensive network of independent agents Azerbaijan, continues to invest in agents.
As stated in the press release, the financial structure continues to facilitate the daily activities of its agents, as another step in improving their methods of work, in effect launched a new electronic program receiving premiums. Thus, for the first time in the insurance market of Azerbaijan insurance agents will make payments electronically.
This system automated accounting operations agents and head office in uniform accounting online database, especially reception and transmission to the head office (the insurer) premiums from policyholders, preparation and commission of acts, including financial and accounting calculations.
Thus, AXA MBASK and agents operate in a single accounting basis as if they had worked in the same office. In order to electronically produce records of insurance premiums collected from clients, agents do not need to perform any manual operation and they will submit reports online in real time. As a result, AXA MBASK agents will not spend any more time on manual reporting, now they will be able to pay its quality customer service and increase sales.
AXA MBASK produced this project in accordance with the strategy of "insurance company, which is easy to operate" and intends in the future to continue to implement projects on simplification of the agents.
Recall that AXA MBASK in 2010 began the process of implementing international standards AXA Group in the existing business processes of the company. So, embodying the plan for development of sales through a network of insurance companies, and in a short time throughout Azerbaijan were discovered about 80 points of sales of insurance policies meant to work with individuals and legal entities, as well as with financial institutions in all types of insurance.
European quality of service, as well as the timeliness and completeness of payments was the fact that the company in the short term has been awarded six international and national awards as the "Insurance Company of the Year." -17D-
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