Novelty from Mobile Operators

According to the Information and Computing Center (ICC) at the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan, a system of online sales of Sim cards has been introduced. Now, all three mobile operators (Azercell, Bakcell and Azerfon), according to the decision of the government, will sell the product in a centralized manner and by the same rules. The innovation has been successfully tested in the customer service centers.

Now activation of Sim cards and identification of the owner is carried out at the entrance to the information system integrated into the portal of "electronic government", and the data are entered into the database of the mobile operators and the ICC itself. The new method allows to unify its subscriber base in accordance with the individual identification number. In this case, you can "kill two birds with one stone" - automatically receive information about whose name the number is registered at, as well as to expand the list of services provided through the portal of electronic services.

In addition, the portal involves the creation of a "personal office" where users will get information about their mobile number. Services are also provided to notify users of various services of state agencies (the notification of completion of the period of validity of identity documents, notices of municipal debt for communication services, bank notices, fines, summonses and notices of the courts, etc.). --17D-

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