Parliamentary report of the Accounting Chamber

At the Board meeting of April 1, the Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan adopted the report on its own activities in the past year and recommended it for discussion at the next session of Parliament.

According to the official information, the Chamber also identified testing the production association Azerigas of SOCAR and JSC Aztelecom. In addition, the audit plan was approved by the labor inspectorate in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, in the department of culture and tourism in the central hospital in the Barda region, as well as the local branch of the State Social Protection Foundation in the Beylagan district, the purpose of which is the analysis and prediction of the target and the use of budget extra-budgetary funds allocated for the maintenance of the institute.

The Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan is accountable to the country's parliament and has been effective since December 7, 2001 as the authority controlling budget spending in Azerbaijan.

Senior officials (members of the Board, which consists of the chairman, his deputy and seven auditors) are elected every seven years.

The Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan, as a rule, is limited to general statements about the board meeting, without giving specific figures and data. According to Article 6.0.3 of the national law "On receiving information" ("Basic Principles of Information"), the disclosure of budget revenues and expenditures is the responsibility of government agencies, including the Chamber of Accounts. - 17D-

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