PASHA Bank took part in the Euromoney Conference

BAKU/.10.13/TURAN : One of the largest banks in Azerbaijan - PASHA Bank - took part in the annual conference of Euromoney, held in Berlin on October 10-11 .

German Conference on Export Finance Euromoney Seminars and Trade finance has been held for six years , during which time the event has managed to establish itself as the "lead platform" for business meetings export finance market players , Germany's leading exporters , representatives of government agencies, financiers, insurance experts sector and business elite.

According to the Director of the Department of Financial Institutions PASHA Bank Vugar Sadiq , the Bank's participation in this event is dictated by the increase in the number of projects implemented in Azerbaijan with participation of leading companies from Germany. "C on the other hand , the conference allows PASHA Bank to establish a new relationship with the European banks , as well as German exporters ," - said V.Sadig .

PASHA Bank is the leading corporate bank in Azerbaijan. Founded in 2007 , the Bank provides a wide range of corporate banking services , including credit, market operations of securities , asset management and treasury services . In PASHA Bank, represented by its head office and four subsidiaries, operates 221 people. As part of "Europe Banking Awards 2011" and "Europe Banking Awards 2012" was declared the " Best Investment Bank of Azerbaijan ."

PASHA Bank is part of a group of companies PASHA - a major investment holding company in Azerbaijan is also widely represented in sectors such as insurance, construction, construction materials , tourism and other areas of business . Kapital Bank, one of the largest banks in the retail market of Azerbaijan, also belongs to the group of companies PASHA. -15D -


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