"Pasha Sigorta" at the expense of corporate insurance collected a fifth of all premiums

Measured times the indubitable leader of the local insurance market in January-April of this year will be Ipek Yolu Sigorta (7th place in terms of premiums), attended by 7 million 087.57 thsd with disbursements of 295.85 thousand manats. Elusive leader is Pasha Sigorta, which by May 1 accumulated 26 million 813.15 thsd manat, which is about 2.68 million more than last year and the result is almost a fifth - 19.3% of total premiums collected.

The local insurance market quickly comes alive - in line with new trends caused by the entry into force of the new legislation in January - April 2013 for all types received a total 138.71 million manat premiums (increase compared to last year was 23 million manat or 16.5%).

The trend of increasing the proportion of companies specializing in life insurance, remains Ateshgah Hayat Sigorta located on the 4th position with 11.35 million manat, almost as much - 11.26 million at the running track of Pasha Hayat Sigorta.

On the uncharacteristic of it third place there was AzSigorta, for many years the owner of second place. At the end of four months, she has collected 11.81 million manat.

Thanks to the presidential decree on the development of compulsory insurance of emergency workers and Border Protection's state-owned AzerSigorta firmly straddled the silver niche, and on account of its 15.21 million manat.

At this rate, taking into account the unusual "rocking" (9.87 million manat) forever bronze team "Ateshgah" dropped to 6th place and is unlikely to be able to rely on the old high places, even with an increase in absolute terms. At the 8th place with a score of 5.06 million manat is International Insurance Company, at the 9th place with slightly worse premiums (5.05 million) is Standard Insurance, and AXA MBASK (4.64 million manat) comes after them. All figures are in line with those of public service insurance supervision because there are inconsistencies do not affect the overall disposition.

The leader in payments is the company Pasha Sigorta. During the reporting period (January to May) is compensated by insurance claims 8.67 million manat. The payments account for 22.7% of the total index. As premium costs it expanded mainly through voluntary health insurance corporate clients (mostly state-owned oil company).

In general, companies from January to end of April paid 38.21 million manat, which is about 11.8 million manat more than in January-April 2012. - 17D-


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