In 2015 a kilo of imported butter in the Azerbaijani was registered at Customs at an average of $1.62. Moreover, prices for imported goods were declared by 36.5% lower than in 2014.
In retail goods were sold at the price not less than $6 per kilo.
According to the State Customs Committee, last year, imports of butter increased by 40.2%. During the year 13 793.8 tons were purchased abroad, of which 9839.3 tons was New Zealand butter.
Last year, Azerbaijani dairy companies exported 248.8 tons of butter, by 2.3 times more than in 2014. Food were registered at Customs at a lower price - $2,02 per kilo. In 2014, Azerbaijani oil was registered at the local Customs office for $ 3.57 per kg.
Customs duties and taxes on the butter is 36%. Thus, according to rough estimates, the evasion of payment of taxes on the goods is meant at least $20 million.
According to the State Statistics Committee, in 2015 the production of butter in Azerbaijan, taking into account households, totaled 23.700 tons, an increase by 2,6% .-- 08B-
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