Rapprochement with the EU will reduce business costs in the region of the Black Sea basin

Today in Baku hosted an international conference "The costs of the border in the Black plague", the main idea of ??which is the fact that the economic cooperation between the countries of the basin can be effective only through the integration of the European Union, the implementation of the laws by the European standards.

EU pursues a policy of integration with a number of post-socialist countries in the region. However, the level of relations between the EU and these countries are different, especially behind this process, Azerbaijan, as the country is still in the negotiation stage to join the World Trade Organization. Many countries of the Eastern Partnership is ready to be signed with the EU a deep and comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. According to the representative of the Centre for European Policy Romania Stanislaus Sekrieru, economic integration with the EU is primarily a means diversification of markets and, therefore, mutually beneficial process.

A member of the Milli Majlis, an economist Ali Mesimli noted that along with the initiatives of economic reforms, the EU should offer a package of Azerbaijan to deepen democracy and human rights. Since only in this way economic reforms can promote the comprehensive development of society.

Head of the Public Association "Assistance to Free Economy" Zohrab Ismayil believes that in order to Black Sea countries were ready to integrate with the EU requires the liberalization of the economy: to ensure the free movement of goods, labor and investment. Such barriers hinder the expansion of trade and economic relations and lead to costs of business. From this and lose customers - the citizens of these countries.

During the conference the thought and that can not be blind to "rewrite" the laws and directives of the European Union without regard to local characteristics and conditions, as this may cause and effects on the economy. It is also necessary to ensure the rule of law and the independence and fairness of the judicial system.

The conference was attended by representatives of diplomatic missions, experts from Ukraine, Georgia, Germany, USA and Romania. 08C


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