The average monthly housing rent in the capital in December was $ 845 (662 manat or minus 12.9% compared to November).
According to Nusret Ibrahimov, head of the consulting company MBA Group, for the year the average cost of rent apartments in Baku on average increased by 10.2%. The cost of rent per square meter in December was $ 11.6, an increase compared to November last year amounted to 1.13%, and from December 2013 - 2%.
Last December, the proportion of expensive housing (rental price above $ 1 thousand per month) in the portfolio of proposals was 28.1%, the average apartment (from $ 500 to $ 1,000) - 52.92%, cheap apartments (less than $ 500 per month) - 18.98%.
The number of transactions on tenancy decreased in December to 1.38% - up to 143. According to experts, the situation is familiar - the market is saturated, and the fall in demand will occur until July, when there will come the regular season of influx of students and school leavers, who want to enroll in universities. --17D--
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