Reduced the oil share in GDP of Azerbaijan

In January 2013, in Azerbaijan in the field of production of goods and services, and net taxes on production and imports were produced added value of 4.5 billion basic macroeconomic indicators - gross domestic product has grown over to the same month in 2012 2.8%, the State Statistics Committee told Turan.

The GDP in the non-oil sector grew by 8.8% to 49.6% of the GDP of the country. The downward trend in the oil factor in GDP continued, and in January, added value decreased by 2.1%.

The share of the production of goods has 62.2%, services - 29.5% and net of taxes - 8.3% of GDP.

Per capita GDP in January amounted to 484.2 manat ($ 626.9), or 1.5% more than in January 2012. - 08D-


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