In January 2013, in Azerbaijan in the field of production of goods and services, and net taxes on production and imports were produced added value of 4.5 billion basic macroeconomic indicators - gross domestic product has grown over to the same month in 2012 2.8%, the State Statistics Committee told Turan.
The GDP in the non-oil sector grew by 8.8% to 49.6% of the GDP of the country. The downward trend in the oil factor in GDP continued, and in January, added value decreased by 2.1%.
The share of the production of goods has 62.2%, services - 29.5% and net of taxes - 8.3% of GDP.
Per capita GDP in January amounted to 484.2 manat ($ 626.9), or 1.5% more than in January 2012. - 08D-
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