Ibrahimoglu: State continues the total sweep

Head of the religious and educational non-governmental organization DEVAMM Ilgar Ibrahimoglu described the recent amendments to the NGO law as another regressive step to a maximum limit of NGOs and religious communities.

Last Friday, the parliament adopted amendments to the laws "On Grants", "Freedom of religion" and "Non-governmental Organizations (Public Associations and Foundations)" sharply limiting and complicating their work. Defender organizations.

Lawyers, sociologists and psychologists have debated the effectiveness of legislative initiative, how pure the intentions of donors are, why they suddenly part with over 200 manats, but this is secondary, Ibrahimoglu told Turan.

According to him, the country is gradually coming to stagnation. The parliament consistently tightens laws suppressing citizens' initiatives, and the executive continues the total sweep of the social environment of unwanted leaders for the civil sector.

In the modern world, such efforts are unproductive and meaningless, he said.

Non-governmental organizations that capture the public mood, always in a constructive way have played a supporting role in solving problems in various fields.

So localization and limitations of NGOs working on development and nation-building, will lead to further marginalization of society.

Such parliamentary initiatives objectively stimulate protest moods of lumpens, which are in numerous numbers generated by this same power, summed Ilgar Ibrahimoglu. - 17D-


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