Relatives of the victims in the accident will receive in the insurance company-partner an additional one million manat

Insurance payment on the occasion of death the driver, passenger or pedestrian will  grow by 1 million manat in the event of an insurance policy.

Previously, members of the family of a deceased citizen could count on 5 AZN reimbursement by the Office of compulsory insurance. Now (in accordance with the new wording of Article 58.3-1 of the "Law on Compulsory Insurance") relatives of the first category of road fatalities by the actions of the insured vehicle are entitled to one-fifth of that amount.

If there is a certificate of the fact of an accident the traffic police and copies of certificates from the registry office of the citizen's death, one thousand manat can be obtained within two working days of the insurance company with which an insurance contract was  signed. --17D- 


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