Signed an agreement on the next phase of cooperation between SOCAR and GGFR

The Baku office of the World Bank on February 4, the signing of the Administrative Agreement on the next, the fourth stage of cooperation to reduce gas flaring. The document was signed by World Bank country manager Larissa Leshchenko and vice-president of the State Oil Company (SOCAR) Rafiq Huseynzade.

WB is the leading party in the global partnership to reduce gas flaring GGFR. This partnership leading oil producer aims to reduce gas flaring and emissions to atmosphere.

SOCAR has joined the partnership in 2008. "During this period we have managed to reduce the flaring of associated gas from oil fields to 97%. Burning the remaining 3%, we intend to eliminate over Blajan 1-1.5 years, said Rafiq Huseynzade.

Over the last 5 years SOCAR could stylize over 500 million cubic meters of low-pressure gas and deliver it to consumers. This means that the emission into the atmosphere of at least 8 million tonnes of CO2 (carbon dioxide) was prevented.

The new agreement with SOCAR offers advanced features of the measurement of combustion and venting of associated gas and associated reporting system. The document also provides for cooperation with SOCAR GGFR and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources in the development of a legislative and regulatory framework to reduce gas flaring. - 08C-


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