On the November 22th auction 16 properties were privatized, due to which the state budget received 2.1 million manat, the State Committee on Property Affairs (SCPA) said. Investors showed interest mainly to objects in Baku (7).
During the auction shares of two ginneries in the Barda and Saatli regions were sold.
Recall that the government intends to privatize at least 2,800 houses over the next 3-5 years.
Certificates of ownership of property at auctions are issued to investors in a few days to conclude the contract for the sale of the property.
Auctions are held on Tuesdays. Since July this year, properties put up for auction are valued at market value. The SCPA assures investors that the auctions for the sale of state property are carried out transparently. Any investor can participate.
Previous auctions for the sale of state property were carried out in a non-competitive environment. The objects were sold to the parties agreed in advance. ----08D
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