SOCAR Turkiye Enerji, Daughter Company of SOCAR, has received five towing vessels to provide services to the vessels in Petkim port in Aegean Sea, wrote Kenan Yavuz, SOCAR Turkiye Enerji President, on his Facebook page.
“Construction of the port is at its final stage and this port, which meets the highest standards, will be put into operation in the nearest future. We already five towing vessels to provide services to the container carriers in Petkim port and sea ports in the Nemrut harbor in the Aegean Sea, ”Yavuz said.
The first of the port construction will be completed in September-October 2015 and the second one in 201. Initial capacity of the port will total 1.5 million containers a year with the plans to expand up to 4 million containers a year.—0—
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