State Fund Began Remote Assignment of Old Age Pensions

Old-age pensions began to determine the state of a single center Social Protection Fund.

As the chairman of the State Social Protection Fund Salim Muslimov told the media, the new system was introduced for the first time in the CIS and developed in accordance with the State program of development of pension insurance system in Azerbaijan Republic for 2009-2015.

This is an intermediate result of reforms in the social security field, with real tangible January 1, 2006. Today, the retirement age for men is 65, and for women - 59 years. Every citizen who has reached that age may, without leaving home, call the operator to the number 190-0 Call-center, opened at the SSPF. Just tell the ID number to learn not only the amount owed to the pension, but the address of the branch and the branch of the bank from which you can take a pension debit card. Citizen and receive a written notice, a copy of which will be directed to the appropriate regional office of the fund - said Muslim.

 He noted that this is the initial stage of innovation until the end of the year is planned to alert citizens who receive a disability pension and the loss of the sole breadwinner of the family. To do this, the relevant authorities must implement in e-government services, containing the necessary information.

At the end Muslimov demonstrated concrete examples of advantages of the new system. - 17D-


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