Statistics of Azerbaijan and Trade Partners Do Not Coincide - Gubad Ibadoglu

Baku / 06.17.10 / Turan: Doctor of Economic Sciences Gubad Ibadoglu published the difference with 10 major trading partners on the basis of mirror statistics on his Facebook page.

According to his investigation in 2015, the budget lost 1.3 billion manat, which should come from imports. The expert presented statistical data of the main trade partners of Azerbaijan in the table as evidence. So far, the State Statistics Committee has not commented on the investigation of G.Ibadoglu.

"Despite the fact that compared to previous years, the difference has decreased (I think that this happens for objective reasons, as compared to previous years, the volume of imports has also declined), everything exactly remains sensitive. For some countries (Israel, Georgia, Turkey and Germany) the difference in comparison with previous years has increased. The calculations show that the unregistered difference with trading partners in the import operations is more than 2 billion manat. This means that in the import operations with these countries, every 1 out of 3 dollars is not registered or customs duties are deliberately reduced by this amount," he wrote.

For example, G.Ibadoglu pointed out that according to the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan in 2015 the trade turnover with Belarus amounted to 83 million 630 thousand dollars, whereas according to the data of Belarus for the same time, the trade turnover with Azerbaijan amounted to 137 million 846 thousand dollars . In other words, the difference in figures is 54 million 216 thousand dollars. The difference in the data with Germany is 80 million 283 thousand dollars (Azerbaijan - 690 million 082 thousand dollars, Germany - 770 million 365 thousand dollars), the difference with Russia is 238 million 263 thousand dollars (Azerbaijan - 1 billion 437 million 901 thousand dollars, Russia - 1 billion 676 million 164 thousand dollars). ----71D

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