The market situation for school supplies is not in favor of consumers

Each year, the situation in the school bazaars of the city of Baku on the eve of the new school year is getting worse, and this year was no exception. Chairman of the Union of Free Consumers of Azerbaijan (FCU) Ayyub Huseynov at the press conference organized today, September 12, at the press center RIA Novosti said that the prices of school uniforms and accessories increased, and the quality is lame again.

According to the "main user" free market principles in the field of sewing school clothes violated. "The state should provide unrestricted access to the standard school uniform, and the only criteria should be quality and safety," Huseynov said. Today the market of school clothes in Baku controls JSC Baki Tikis Evi (former factory named after V. Volodarsky). Clothes for Baku students this year also supplies one of the textile enterprises in the city of Sumgait.

Monitoring shows FCU, as well as citizens' appeals, product prices do not suit the consumer. The price of school uniforms is not reduced in any case (40-50 manats per set), even if world prices for cotton and wool will drop in half. In this case, the parents complain about the low level of tailoring, as well as a limited number of places available. In these circumstances, the market appears low quality products made in China, "deceive" consumers eye-catching design. Estimated FCU, this year the school's clothing increased by 10%. In general, the costs of parents to send the student to the 15th of September at the desk, be not less than 200 manats, the cost of living 125 manats. --08C--

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