Virtual Search for Good Doctors to Become Possible

The users have received a Doctormap mobile application. Thanks to the development of the socially significant local StartUp Company Online Group realized in the Play Market application store and the App Store, you can get information on what hospitals arrange, for example, a free diagnosis. The app also has an interactive map with a dislocation of health facilities and top doctors.

The project with the financial support of the State Fund for Development of ICT and the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan envisages also free e-cards for discounts on medical treatment or examinations in more than 20 clinics in the cities of Baku and Sumgait.

Local media during the presentation of the project were told by the manager Farid Farkhadov that in about a month the Doctormap application will be integrated the module Online Drugstore that will allow users to get an extensive database of the drugs in their cities. Thanks to the new product it will be also possible to compare drug prices. --17D-

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