Yashil Gelecek - a new environmental campaign from AXA MBASK

The insurance company AXA MBASK, being part of the AXA Group - a global leader in insurance and asset management, has consistently stressed that it considers its activities as part of social responsibility - said in a press release of the financial structure.

At this time, AXA MBASK, within the framework of corporate social responsibility, with the support of the Executive Power of Khatai district launched a new environmental campaign called Yashil Gelecek. During this action, together with the company's employees completed the program "Organization of insurance business" carried out under AXA MBASK Academy, planted about 100 olive trees in the residential area Kohne Guneshli (Inglab Ismailov Street).

Work was carried out under the expert guidance of agro-technology area. Employees spent garden, professional instruction, during which protesters showed clearly how to plant olive trees, given all the necessary equipment and provided water.

The main aim of the campaign is the development of ecological culture and education among the youth, as well as the formation of the population of personal responsibility for the environment.

Insurance company AXA MBASK in 2010 began the process of implementing international standards AXA Group in the insurance market of Azerbaijan. So, embodying the plan for development of sales through a network of insurance companies, and in a short time throughout Azerbaijan were discovered about 80 points of sales of insurance policies meant to work with individuals and legal entities, as well as with financial institutions in all types of insurance.

European quality of service, as well as the timeliness and completeness of payments was the fact that the company in the short term has been awarded six international and national awards as the "Insurance Company of the Year." - 17D-

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