In connection with the transition from the 1st of April to the environmental standards Euro-4, the State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents has made changes to the state standard AZS 636-2012 Road Transport. Environmental Class. The changes are aimed at regulating the import of vehicles depending on the year of their release.
The spokesperson of the State Standard Fazil Talybov told Turan, that year will not be met by acceptable environmental standards. For example, vehicles of Russian production of appropriate environmental standards Euro-4 were produced in 2013. Cars of Ukrainian, Belarusian and Kazakh production will receive the standard Euro- 4 only this year.
Recall that on January 14 this year, the Government of Azerbaijan adopted a resolution providing for the transition from the 1st of April from the environmental standard Euro-2 to Euro-4 of vehicles for local and foreign production. According to the environmental classification, it was allowed to import cars produced in 1997-2001 from the EU. Now for the import of vehicles from these countries, they should be at least made in 2005. From America, you can import cars made in 2004, from Japan and China - in 2011, and from Korea – in 2006. - 08D-
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