Shares of Non-bank Credit Organization Finoko Withdrawn from Trade
The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) does not hold auctions of notes since November 2024, i.e. for 3 months. This is evidenced by operational indicators published by the Baku Stock Exchange (BSE).
In 2024, the 'Pasha Sığorta' and 'Paşa Hayat Sığorta' companies as parts of 'Pasha Holding', collected AZN 912 million of insurance premiums. This is stated in the insurance review published by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan.
“Meqa Sığorta” company won the open tender for voluntary medical insurance of 82 employees of the National Deposit Centre (NDC) and 56 members of their families. This is reported on the unified internet portal of public procurement.
A delegation of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan took part in the international conference on ‘Highly Secure Money Printing’ in Basel, Switzerland. This is reported by the CBA.
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