In the political processes that I have been watching from the inside for 30 years, I am witnessing the second time that a decision was made so quickly regarding the elections: I am referring to the parliamentary and presidential elections scheduled to be held on May 14. The first decision was related to the parliamentary election held on December 24, 1995.
Prime Minister Tansu Çiller, who formed a minority government in October, had no choice but to announce the date of the election after 1.5 months until she could gain confidence after reading the government's program in the parliament in November. When the AKP came to power in November 2002, due to the political ban imposed on the chairman of the party, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, he could not be elected as a member of parliament. Mr. Erdoğan, who ran as a candidate and was elected as a member of parliament in a province, was able to sit on the prime minister's chair on March 10, 2003. (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki//Эрдоган,_Реджеп_Тайип)
While keeping harping on the words "Our main goal is to put the stone in the hole, our holy march" for exactly 20 years, Erdoğan, who completed his 20th year in power 10 days ago, never hid that 2023 will be a decisive year from every point of view. Although Mr. Erdoğan started preparations for the parliamentary and presidential elections of that decisive year last summer, the decision on the day of the elections was delayed until March 10, and the date of the elections, May 14, formalized for that day.
Thus, Turkey, which held parliamentary and municipal elections on April 18, 1999, will hold parliamentary and presidential elections on the same day for the second time in the last 5 years.
The country's most experienced politician and statesman, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is very worried about the May 14 elections. If Mr. Erdoğan, who sees 2023 as the main goal of his political life, wins this election, he will make the system, about 80% of which has already been subjugated, completely in line with his worldview.
Although it is not yet clear whether he will declare Sharia or bring the caliphate, his alliance with a party that does not recognize the Republic of Turkey (Hüda Par) strengthened two possibilities: 1) Since he is not completely sure that he can win the elections, he can enter into an alliance with anyone regardless of the characteristics of the country's administrative system; 2) Seeing that the possibility of losing the election is by no means eliminated, he sows the seeds of actions that can lead to chaos shortly after the announcement of the results (no, this is not the wheat seed that Dostoevsky took from the "Bible" and placed in the epigraph of "The Brothers Karamazov", but a seed that smells of an armed conflict). The alliance of an organization, which was destroyed by the successful operations carried out by Sadettin Tantan, the Minister of Internal Affairs of that time (a regular commentator of ASTNA today), after committing many horrific terrorist incidents in Turkey from the early to late 1990s, with the leading party of the ruling bloc in 2023, in the guise of a political party and under the name of Hüda Par ("Party of God"), has caused serious dissatisfaction and confusion even in the ranks of the AKP.
While the strongest reaction to this alliance is actually expected from the Nationalist Movement Party - we have been writing for years - the political institution headed by Devlet Bahçeli, who pursues policies 180 degrees opposite to his origin and political identity, is still silent.
The sharp reaction by Doğu Perinçek, the chairman of the Patriotic Party, which is trying to enter into an alliance with the AKP, to this consociation will certainly not turn the AKP from its path.
However, it is very difficult to say that the part of the society that has supported the AKP in one way or another will unconditionally accept the support of an organization that fundamentally rejects the socio-political structure of Turkey in an election that a 21-year-old ruling party considers decisive for itself. After seeing these zigzags of the 21-year-old ruling party in internal politics, one cannot be surprised at the attempt to "remain at a high level" of the political-diplomatic relations with the current government of Egypt, with which they have been at an enmity since July 2013.
Erdoğan and his government, who since then have shown a hostile stance against Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and his government, who overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood in a military coup, have now started to improve relations with Sisi's Egypt, after the rich Gulf countries and Israel. Will the fact that the Turkish foreign minister, who is one of the soloists of the chorus criticizing Sisi's regime with the harshest words, takes the first step and goes to Cairo not turn back on the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and throw it back from the ideal?
There is really a situation like "I can't understand such secrets". While the results of public opinion polls show the opposition bloc's candidate in the lead, the ruling bloc is trying to hit the opposition from those points by increasing attention to the work in the earthquake regions until the propaganda period begins. The table of 6 parties, which does not stop attempts to expand the ranks of the opposition bloc, conducts dialogues with the socialists and especially with the party of the secular Kurds. As we wrote before, HDP, the party of secular Kurds, has a tactical nature in order to openly support the opposition when it comes to a decisive position in this election.
After the announcement of this support, we will witness the merciless words that the head of state and the minor partner of the ruling bloc, the MHP, will direct at the candidate of the opposition bloc.
Well, that's what's certain right now...
- Hüda Par — Hür Dava Par (Hür Dava Partisi - Партия «Свободное дело») — действующая в Турции и известная близостью к террористической организации «Хизбалла» политическая партия, основана 19 декабря 2012 года, председатель – Зекерия Япыджыоглу. HÜDA PAR поддержала Эрдогана на президентских выборах (https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%BCr_Dava_Partisi). Япыджыоглу объявил, что они решили 14 мая поддержать Эрдогана. Он ранее заявлял: «Турецкая Республика может считать «Хизбаллу» террористической организацией, но, по моему мнению, это не террористическая организация» (https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/turkiye/huda-parin-acilimi-nedir-huda-par-ne-zaman-kuruldu-huda-parin-genel-baskani-kimdir-2060080?ysclid=lfh52tcdel86432917)
- «Истинно, истинно говорю вам: если пшеничное зерно, падши в землю, не умрет, то останется одно; а если умрет, то принесет много плода»: Евангелие от Иоанна (глава XII, 24). Правда, авторская ассоциация довольно отдаленная – ред.
- «К тайне жизни ключа найти я не могу,
Жить без разума в трудном пути я не могу».
М.А. Сабир.
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