US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (photo: Lehtikuva/via Reuters)

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (photo: Lehtikuva/via Reuters)

Baku/08.10.23/Turan: US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken engaged in a flurry of diplomatic efforts on Saturday in response to the Hamas attack on southern Israel, which resulted in the loss of over 300 lives. Blinken held discussions with key Middle East stakeholders, including the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, as part of an endeavor to coordinate a cohesive regional response to the crisis.

In his conversations with these leaders, Blinken emphasized the need for immediate action to halt the violent attacks by Hamas and other militant groups while reiterating Israel's right to self-defense.

Regarding his dialogue with Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan, Blinken affirmed Israel's right to self-defense and called for a united front to put an end to the terrorist attacks orchestrated by Hamas. The surprise attack by Hamas occurred against the backdrop of ongoing negotiations between the United States and Saudi Arabia concerning a security pact, which also encompasses discussions on normalizing relations with Israel. The Saudi foreign ministry, in response, condemned attacks on civilians and urged both Israel and Hamas to adhere to international law.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller disclosed that Blinken and Farhan agreed to maintain close communication as events unfolded. Blinken further stressed the importance of regional leaders condemning these acts of terrorism.

In the context of Egypt, Blinken conveyed his gratitude to Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry for Egypt's diplomatic efforts aimed at resolving the crisis. Egypt has a long history of acting as a mediator between Hamas and Israel. Blinken expressed appreciation for Egypt's ongoing endeavors and reiterated the pressing need to curtail Hamas attacks in his conversation with Shoukry.

In his discussions with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Blinken encouraged Turkey's involvement in addressing the situation. Turkey has previously played a mediating role with Hamas, and Blinken expressed support for Ankara's engagement. He had a similar conversation with the head of the European Union's foreign policy department, Josep Borrell.

In a conversation with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Blinken urged condemnation of Hamas and called for heightened efforts to restore calm and stability in the West Bank. 

These diplomatic engagements reflect the United States' commitment to fostering a coordinated regional response to the crisis and mitigating further escalation of violence in the Middle East.-0---

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