PKK/YPG terrorists are funded in Sweden - SEPO Intelligence Service

Anadolu: The terrorist organization YPG (the Syrian wing of the PKK - approx. Anadolu) is funded in Sweden. This was reported on the SVT TV channel by the representative of the Swedish Intelligence Agency (SEPO) Susanna Treherning.

According to her, considerable sums are collected on the territory of the kingdom for the needs of terrorists. "I will not name a figure, but I can assure you that the PKK terrorist organization has secured significant funding in our country," Treherning said.

A representative of SEPO said that the Department for combating terrorism does not stop work related to the identification of criminals.

Just last week, a citizen was detained who was trying to collect "tribute" for the needs of a terrorist organization, the representative of the intelligence department stated.

Earlier, on January 29, Sweden's chief negotiator for NATO membership, Oskar Stenstrom, said that the PKK terrorists are funded by organized criminal groups in Sweden.

"Unlike Finland, most of the RCC's financial resources are located in Sweden," the negotiator said.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said earlier that since 1984, when the PKK militants carried out a terrorist attack in Turkey for the first time, thousands of Turkish security forces, military and civilians have died at the hands of this bloody organization.

The United States and the European Union have added the PKK to the lists of terrorist organizations.

In recent years, the RCC has sought to shift responsibility for the bloody crimes in the region to its offshoots.

In Syria, the PKK terrorists hide behind the names PYD and YPG, and in the last two years they have called themselves the "Syrian Democratic Forces".

In Iran, the PKK operates as the "Kurdistan Free Life Party" (PJAK).

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