

 Russia has accused Ukraine of launching a deadly rocket attack on the city of Belgorod, situated approximately 30 kilometers from the Ukrainian border. The strike, which reportedly claimed the lives of at least 14 individuals and left dozens more injured, has elicited a stern warning from Moscow that such an act "will not go unpunished."

Unverified footage circulating on social media depicts a scene of destruction in Belgorod, with debris strewn across the streets, burnt-out cars, and billowing clouds of smoke. This marks one of the deadliest incidents on Russian soil since Moscow initiated military actions against Ukraine in February 2022, underscoring the intensifying conflict between the neighboring nations.

According to Russian sources, the attack employed two Alder missiles and Czech-made missiles, prompting Russia to call for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council at 2000 GMT. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia reported updated casualty figures of 12 adults and two children killed, along with 108 individuals, including 15 children, sustaining injuries.

The Kremlin conveyed that President Vladimir Putin has been briefed on the situation, with the Russian Defense Ministry issuing a stark warning that repercussions for the strike are imminent.

The Russian Foreign Ministry, known for its opposition to Western arms supplies to Ukraine, accused the United States and Britain of "inciting the Kiev regime to commit terrorist acts."

On the Ukrainian front, officials claim that 70 drones were involved in the attack on Russian territory, targeting non-civilian sites in various Russian cities, including Moscow.

This latest episode comes as Ukraine grapples with the aftermath of a devastating Russian assault that claimed the lives of at least 39 people, including the targeting of schools, a maternity hospital, shopping malls, and residential buildings. Ukrainian military estimates indicate that Russia launched a staggering 158 missiles and drones, with 114 successfully intercepted.

In response to the escalating crisis, Ukraine is urging its Western allies for continued military support. The United Nations has condemned the attacks, calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

Meanwhile, Poland reported that a Russian missile briefly entered its airspace during the Friday attacks, prompting NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg to express solidarity with Poland. As the situation unfolds, global leaders are grappling with the urgency of the crisis and the need for concerted international efforts to address the escalating conflict.

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