Telman Ismailov is deprived of his Mardan Palace

Seven-star hotel Mardan Palace in Antalya owned by a well-known businessman, a native of Azerbaijan Telman Ismailov, was  sold at auction for $ 124 million.

Originally, the hotel was valued at $ 248 million.

The fact that the hotel is sold to the bank Halkbank  at 360.5 million lira (about $ 124 million), on Monday said the Turkish portal Hurriyett.

Originally, the hotel was valued at 719 million lire (about $ 248 million), but the buyer got almost twice cheaper.

Recently, Mardan Palace is experiencing financial difficulties - he had a debt to its largest creditor - Halkbank, as well as the bank Garanti Bankası. In connection with the debts of the hotel in the courts were  initiated 67 cases.

Reports of the sale by  Ismailov his hotel in Antalya, appeared in March 2015. Then Ismailov said that  he did not sell the hotel, and they  want to "evict " him from  the country.

Mardan Palace was opened on 23 May, 2009 ;  its  construction, according to various sources, took more than $ 1 billion. The opening ceremony was attended by the stars at the world of show business: Mariah Carey, Richard Gere, Sharon Stone, Monica Bellucci. The hotel was the most valuable asset of  Ismailov, who took hundreds of millions of dollars to build it.

In October, the Bank of Moscow filed a lawsuit  on bankruptcy  of Telman Ismailov.  "Kommersant" wrote that the statement of the bankin September 2012 to February 2014, issued  to two companies, which had  been involved in the group AST, three loans totaling more than $ 230 million. Ismailov gave a personal guarantee for the return of money deadline, but no debt or interest have not been returned. Taken into account the  interest the Bank of Moscow demanded from Ismailov more than $ 286 million.

Once narcissistic owner of Cherkizovsky market appeared incompetent manager and bankrupt. -02D-

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