Murat  Kalsın. Turan

Murat  Kalsın. Turan

Ankara/01.11.22/Turan:  According to Turan News Agency, Murat Kalsın, who is running for the presidency of the 140-year-old Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC), the world's third-largest Chamber of Commerce, announced his plans at a press conference for Turkish and foreign journalists.

Drawing attention to the fact that the current leadership of the Chamber of Commerce is unable to cope with the work, Murat Kalsın spoke about the measures planned to increase the resistance of the economy against the energy crisis caused by the pandemic.

"While the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce has 700,000 company members, only 8-10% of the members vote. If we win the election, with the infrastructure that we will prepare, we will achieve that the majority of members will vote on the Internet in the next election. Unfortunately, the company owners who are close to us are being pressured. However, we believe that we will overcome everything and win the election," continued Murat Kalsın, stressing that they will do everything they can to protect the rights of ICOC members.

"In post-Soviet countries, the duties of chambers of commerce are still limited to organizing exhibitions, and governments do not allow the development of this sphere, as well as other NGOs. How do you imagine cooperation with these countries?", followed by a question from Turan correspondent Kalsin.

"Unfortunately, the initiatives of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce in this direction were incomplete. The most important work for us will be to strengthen relations not only with post-Soviet countries, but also with Arab countries. We have specific plans and programs in this regard. We will start implementing them after winning the elections."

Elections for the chairmanships of 81 commissions included in the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce will be held on November 9. In the next week, chairmen of the commissions will elect the new Board of Directors and the chairman of the ICOC from among themselves. —0—

Murat Kalsin announced his plans at a press conference for Turkish and foreign journalists. Turan

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