Defense Minister, Chief of the General Staff, Air Force commander in a bunker in Kiria (Photo: Ariel Hermoni)

Defense Minister, Chief of the General Staff, Air Force commander in a bunker in Kiria (Photo: Ariel Hermoni) The attack on Hezbollah’s headquarters was approved by Netanyahu even before his departure to the United States, but the operational opportunity arose when he was preparing to deliver his speech.

During his speech at the United Nations on the evening of September 27, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the phrase "Enough is enough," implying that Israel’s patience regarding Hezbollah’s terrorism had run out. Less than an hour after his speech, reports began to emerge from Lebanon about an attack on Hezbollah’s central headquarters in Beirut and an attempt to eliminate the head of this organization, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah.

Meanwhile, around the world

As it was later revealed, the attack on Hezbollah’s headquarters had been approved by Netanyahu before his departure to the U.S. As soon as the operational opportunity presented itself, the Prime Minister gave the final "go-ahead" for the operation.

According to Ynet, the final approval for the operation was given by the Prime Minister from New York. Shortly after that, during a press conference, Netanyahu’s military secretary, Major General Roman Gofman, approached him, whispered something in his ear, then handed over a note, and suddenly Netanyahu interrupted the press conference and hastily left the room.

The Prime Minister then quickly left the UN building and headed to his hotel, where the so-called "red phone" was located – a phone for secure communication with Israeli leadership.

 ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו בעת אישור המתקפה בביירות

Netanyahu approves operation in Dahiye from New York

Simultaneously, reports began to emerge of unprecedentedly powerful strikes on Hezbollah’s stronghold in Beirut – the Dahieh neighborhood.

According to an American source in an interview with ABC, Nasrallah and his surviving associates were in Beirut on a short-term visit at that very time. Israel detected an opportune moment and carried out the strike.

Israeli sources believe that Nasrallah was present in the headquarters during the attack along with other members of Hezbollah’s command structure. "Whoever was there could not have survived," said an Israeli source.

According to Israeli opinions, the elimination of Nasrallah could be decisive in incapacitating Hezbollah as a whole.

הרס בדאחייה

The location of the attack (Photo: SOCIAL MEDIA/via REUTERS)

Meanwhile, foreign media are gradually beginning to acknowledge that the likelihood of Nasrallah’s elimination is very high. While initially many cited Hezbollah representatives claiming that the Sheikh was alive and in a safe place, reports increasingly suggest that his chances of survival were slim, and Hezbollah’s prolonged silence confirms that the Sheikh’s situation is dire.

The U.S. stated that it was unaware of Israel’s operation in advance and did not participate in it.





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