Windy Weather Expected in Baku on Sunday

Windy Weather Expected in Baku on Sunday

On Sunday, September 29, cloudy weather mostly without precipitation is expected in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula, along with a prevailing northeast wind. Nighttime temperatures will range from 14 to 18°C, while daytime temperatures are expected to reach 22 to 26°C, according to the National Hydrometeorological Service under the Ministry of Ecology of Azerbaijan.

In other regions of Azerbaijan, mostly dry weather is expected: fog in some areas at night and in the morning, with a moderate eastern wind prevailing.

Nighttime temperatures will range from 12 to 17°C, with daytime temperatures expected to be between 22 and 27°C. In the mountains, nighttime temperatures will be around 4 to 8°C, while daytime temperatures will range from 8 to 13°C.

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