The Azerbaijani Movement for Democracy and Prosperity (AMDP) adopted an appeal to the Parliament in connection with the upcoming September 14 hearings in connection with the resolution of the European Parliament on the situation of human rights in Azerbaijan.
Authors of the appeal call MM to refrain from steps aimed at increasing tension in relations between Azerbaijan and the EU. In this connection they consider it necessary to remind the legislature of a number of important points.
Thus, the European Parliament has repeatedly expressed its support for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and declared not recognizing the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan will continue to need the support of MEPs and Member States in the resolution of the Karabakh problem.
EU is the largest trade partner of Azerbaijan, which in 2014 accounted for 53 percent of exports and 34 percent of imports.
In addition, the main focus of the oil and gas pipelines of the country is on Europe, including the planned gas pipelines TANAP and TAP. European states and companies play an important role in the implementation of energy projects of the country.
51.74 per cent of the investment portfolio of the State Oil Fund of the country are located in Europe.
SOCAR under its own brand has a large network of filling stations in Switzerland, Romania and Ukraine.
The instability in the markets of Asia will continue to condition the attractiveness of Europe for the State Oil Company and the State Oil Fund.
The EU has so far played an irreplaceable role in the modernization of the economy of Azerbaijan, the supply of advanced technology, and the upgrading of human resources. Not by chance 60 per cent of the local students studying abroad under the state program study in the UK and other EU countries.
Cooperation with the EU and Euro-Atlantic bodies played an important role in protecting the independence of Azerbaijan after the country gained sovereignty. Their technical support was essential in the security sector reform and in strengthening the country's defense.
Finally, the aggressive perception of the European concern about the democratization of Azerbaijan causes bewilderment at the local and international community.
Authors of the appeal indicate that the decision taken by the MPs may have a significant impact on the strategic choice of Azerbaijan.
If the "balanced" policy pursued for years is broken, it will promote the growth of threats coming from the north.
On the other hand, in the case of the weakening of the empire in the north, and the signs of this are already visible, then Azerbaijan will be one on one with Europe, which it has now alienated from itself. This may put Azerbaijan at a disadvantage in terms of solving the Karabakh problem.
In this regard, AMDP called on the Parliament to consider not only the conjuncture of today, but also the future, and to refrain from steps worsening the already complicated relations with the EU.
AMDP was established in late 2014 at the initiative of the former candidate for the post of head of the party Musavat, known economist Gubad Ibadoglu and his associates. On February 21 this year the founding conference of the movement was held. Gubad Ibadoglu was elected for the leader of the organization. However, the authorities have refused to register AMDP. -- 06D--
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