Arif Hajili elected as the new chairman of the party Musavat (UPDATED)

In a secret ballot, the new chairman of the party Musavat was elected. The head of the party's administration, Arif Hajili succeeded. 228 ​​delegates voted for him.

Gubad Ibadoglu was supported by 200 delegates. Another 19 Musavatists voted for Tural Abbasli. Three ballots were declared invalid.

The fourth candidate, Sakhavat Alisoy withdrew his candidacy before the vote in favor of Ibadoglu. --0--

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2014 September 27 (Saturday) 13:57:16

The outgoing head of the party Musavat, Isa Gambar, speaking with the report at the VIII Congress of the Party, welcomed the political prisoners. He noted that at the present time in the country's prisons there are more than 100 political prisoners - members of Musavat, the People's Front, the movement NIDA and other organizations.

According to Gambar, the regime also makes "pleasure" of the arrest of journalists.

He especially condemned the torture against the director of the Institute for Peace and Democracy (IPD), Leyla Yunus, calling it a "disgrace of power."

Referring to the activities of Musavat, he said that the party is one of the few in the world with more than 100-year history, including work in the underground and abroad.

Speaking about the 22-year activity of Musavat since the restoration of independence of the country, Gambar said that the party is often criticized that it was not able to come to power.

Musavat in those years did everything that make the opposition parties in authoritarian regimes," said Gambar.

Today a shadow of “bear” is looming over Azerbaijan. Inside the country it is the oligarchic regime headed by Ilham Aliyev. On the international stage it is the Russian "bear", which prevents the development of democracy and greater freedoms.

Azerbaijani authorities are "pandering" to this "bear" and come to talks with him, Gambar said, alluding to the head of state welcoming Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

"They sit at the same table with a man who called the people of Azerbaijan rams. Apparently they also apply to the people in the same way," said Gambar.

Gambar said that the military revolt in 1993 was triggered by Russia to limit the independence of Azerbaijan, and in 2003, after the presidential election voter fraud and repression against protesters took place.

Gambar chided the international community for the contemplative stance against authoritarian regimes in countries such as Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Referring to the Karabakh settlement, Gambar said that the Azerbaijani people will not allow the authorities of the country to agree to a defeatist peace.

The way of Karabakh liberation lies in Azerbaijan's integration into the Euro-Atlantic community and enthronement of democracy.

Gambar further noted that Musavat will elect a new chairman and will set an example of respect for democratic procedures in power with one person keeping not more than two consecutive terms. It will be done in contrast to the current government, which takes positions lifelong. -06D-

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2014 September 27 (Saturday) 12:12:30

The Palace of Culture named after Sattar Bahlulzadeh in the suburban settlement Amirjan in Baku hosted the VIII Congress of the party Musavat, which opened today.

587 delegates from 84 regional and urban youth and women's organizations of the party were elected for the Congress. The Congress is attended by more than 450 delegates.

The party’s leader Isa Gambar presides over the Congress. The presidium also represents Jamil Unal, the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Cultural Society acting in Turkey. This organization during the Soviet era served as the party Musavat in exile.

The agenda includes the report by Gambar about the socio-political situation, the report of the Auditing Committee, the election of new governing bodies of the party, including the chairman.

The candidates for chairman are the head of the central office of the party, Arif Hajili, a Board member Gubad Ibadoglu and two advisers to the head of the party, Tural Abbasli and Sakhavat Alisoy.

The previous congress was held in 2006.

Musavat was founded by Mammad Emin Rasulzadeh and his associates in 1911.

In 1917-1918, the party led the national democratic movement of the country and played an important role in the proclamation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-20).

During the Soviet period the party was considered reactionary nationalist and bourgeois and was outlawed. -0D06-

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