Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry regards Washington's accusations as a blow to bilateral relations

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry regards Washington's accusations as a blow to bilateral relations

The unilateral and biased comments of US Assistant Secretary of State James O'Brien at the hearings of the House Foreign Affairs Committee are ineffective, unfounded and unacceptable, the comment of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry on November 16. "We regard the speeches at the hearings as a blow to relations between Azerbaijan and the United States. These accusations are groundless and undermine peace and security in the region," the commentary says. Baku is dissatisfied with the interpretation of the reasons for Azerbaijan's anti-terrorist operation on September 19-20, recalling the presence of 10,000 Armenian soldiers in Karabakh.

The peace process is being delayed by Yerevan, which has not responded to Azerbaijan's proposals for a peace agreement for more than two months. "

Unlike Armenia, Azerbaijan has always respected the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Armenia, which was once again confirmed during the meeting held in Prague on October 6, 2022." The American side,  one of the mediators, is also responsible for the fact that it has never called on Armenia, the aggressor, to behave in accordance with international law.

The United States supports the Karabakh separatists and is the only country that has officially funded this regime by organizing its trips to America and meetings with officials. The United States is not a country of the region, and at the same time criticizes the efforts of the countries of the region in the field of transport security.

Azerbaijan has decided to build a road through Iran to Nakhchivan because of Armenia's refusal to open a road through its territory and this is its sovereign right. As for O'Brien's statement on the renewal of the 907th Amendment, the American side repeats the mistake it made with respect to Azerbaijan by introducing this amendment in 1992.

As for the statement that "the use of force by Azerbaijan has undermined trust and called into question Baku's commitment to a comprehensive peace with Armenia" has no basis, because Azerbaijan, being a victim of aggression for 30 years, has used the legitimate right to use force to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"As for the postponement by the American side of bilateral meetings and high-level contacts with Azerbaijan, and the statement that "our bilateral relations cannot be the same as before," Azerbaijan will apply the same approach. We consider it inappropriate for high-level representatives from the United States to visit Azerbaijan.

Such a unilateral approach by the United States may lead to the loss of the role of the United States as an intermediary. We do not consider it possible to hold a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia on November 20, 2023 in Washington," the commentary says.


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