Baku should change the attitude to South Azerbaijan

Iran has no political future, South Azerbaijan will inevitably become independent. This was the keynote of the conference "The Future of Modern South Azerbaijan" held on Saturday at the Park Inn. The event was organized by the National Liberation Front of South Azerbaijan (NLFSA.)

The activists of NLFSA expect from the Azerbaijani authorities  development of  a national strategy for the South Azerbaijan.

The conference participants discussed the internal political processes in Iran in the context of its nuclear program and  the attitude of the USA and the EU.

It was noted that  Iran is experiencing the most severe crisis since the early 20th century and all of the regional and global factors  are against the Tehran regime.

"The collapse of the Soviet Union, the creation of independent Azerbaijan, the Karabakh issue, the Iranian nuclear program, the presidential election of 2009, the" Arab Spring ", the events in Syria are questioning the future of Iran,"  said Araz Aslanli, the head of the "Caucasus"  Center for Strategic Research.

Former Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Iran, Nasib Nasibli, noted that  last century Azerbaijanis were the driving force of  four revolutions in Iran, but a national problem in this country and has not been solved. "However, the defeat of the revolution of 1978-79 for Azerbaijanis  became hesitant  of the Ayatollah, Shariat Madari," said Nasibli.

He finds it necessary to develop a new  conception for the future of the national unity of Azerbaijanis. In material terms, the national movement should be based on national business, he said. Conference participants also criticized the lack of the concept of the South Azerbaijan in official Baku.

According to an employee of the Academy of Sciences, Yasemen Garagoyunlu, in both Azerbaijan should be a single national policy. "We must obtain the formation of qualitatively new nation. To do this,  it is necessary to update the religious, national and state values.

Azerbaijani TV channels destroy the national ideology, national spirit, creating a "culture" of the show, said Garagoyunlu.

A number of leading scholars and human rights activists from South Azerbaijan living in different countries  joined the  conference on Skype.  The regime of the mullahs use repressive measures to quell unrest. If the Iranian government loses control, the national movement is ready to  control South Azerbaijan, said  the Dr. Mashallah scope living in Paris.

Dr. Shirmamed Huseynov said that the National Movement of South Azerbaijan must declare its  ideological strategy  the ideology of  Musavatizm by  Mamed  Amin Rasulzade.

"Turkism, modernity and Islam,  on which musavatizm  is based should become the ideological line of all Azerbaijanis," Huseynov said.

The conference participants also focused on  the problem of Lake Urmia,  the drying of which become real social  calamity.—03C06- 


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