Conference on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the ADR

 A conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-20) took place on Monday at the headquarters of the party "Musavat".

Participants spoke about the role of Mohammad Amin Rasulzade in the creation of the ADR, who in 1911 founded the "Musavat" party, promoting the development of the national idea in Azerbaijan.

The participants noted also the achievements of other  founders  of the ADR. This state was recognized at the Versailles Peace Conference within the territory of 114 thousand square meters. km.

The leader of "Musavat", Isa Gambar  noted that the ADR was the first republic in the East,  and  was a pride to the Azerbaijanis. He also criticized the Azerbaijani authorities for his zealous attitude to the historical merits of the founders of the  ADR. He called on the authorities to correct the error and return name of  Rasulzade to the Baku State University.

Referring to the current situation in the country, he said that the democratic forces continue  the  work on the creation of the National Council. These forces are capable  to turn Azerbaijan within five years  into a prospering country.—05D06-





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