Doctors of Nakhchivan "forget" Hippocratic oath

The situation  with human rights in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (NAR),  is deteriorating, and becomes even worse that  in the world's most notorious dictatorships like North Korea; thus seriously ill people are not provided  medical assistance on political grounds.

Hospitals of  NAR refuse to make surgery on the wife of the regional correspondent of the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety (IRFS) Hakimeldostu Mehdiyev; his wife is   suffering severe gynecological diseases.

According to him, medical examination for his wife in Sharur  regional hospital was deliberately delayed for a month, and finally, operation  was scheduled for the last Friday. However,  on the day of  operation he was  "advised" to take his wife to the Nakhchivan Maternity Hospital on the pretext that "there  are  best conditions."

"There  she was also examined,  and later we were told that they will not make operation. Head physician did not receive me,  sent me  to doctor named Nazakat, who is, as far as I know, the wife of one of the employees of the Regional Ministry of National Security.

She told me  there is no need for operation, and that my wife “ is healthy”, although all analyzes and conclusions  of ultrasound showed severe disease.

Other surgeons  said that they could do  nothing because  I have problems with the “top.”   it means that they would not provide medical care  to my wife because of my citizenship and professional journalism. One of the doctors said that  under the Popular Front  the situation was very bad. But why do they mix politics  with the health of the people? "said Mehdiyev in an interview with Turan  agency. 

According to him, the situation is  difficult, because his wife is non-transportable, and he can not  take her to Baku.

Mehdiyev   asked for help from international organizations to help his wife.

The head of the NGO  Regional Resource Center  and Democracy Development, Malahat Nasibovs called such situation an arbitrariness. "Life and health of activists and their relatives in Nakhchivan is  in danger, because they  are not provided health care. This  is political pressure and a gross violation of fundamental constitutional rights to life and health," said Nasibova.

The  situation with human rights in NAR  is deteriorating. Autonomy as connecting vessel quickly masters the negative impulses that come from Baku, where the government  has recently started another attack on civil society by legislative restrictions on the activities of NGOs, internet censorship, arrest and prosecution of activists.

Ongoing pressure on society have shown that  Aliyev’s  administration have again ignored categorical criticism of  Baku policy by the EU.-0-


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