European Court issues three judgments on complaints from Azerbaijan

European Court issues three judgments on complaints from Azerbaijan

On 26 September, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) announced three decisions on complaints from Azerbaijan, finding violations in two cases, '' reports.

The case is Hilal Mammadov v. Azerbaijan on the unlawful prosecution of a civil activist on charges of state treason and incitement of national hatred and hostility.

In his complaint, the applicant alleged that the criminal case against him had been fabricated and he had been convicted on the basis of evidence planted by the law enforcement authorities. He also alleged that his publications, interviews and articles had been used as evidence during his prosecution, which constituted a violation of his freedom of expression.

In the ECHR judgement, the applicant should be paid 6,200 euros in compensation for moral damage and court costs. The applicant was represented in court by lawyers Khalid Bagirov and Javad Javadov.

In the case of Ikhtiyar Ibrahimov v. Azerbaijan the applicant was found guilty of fraud. He claimed that he had not been informed at the Supreme Court hearing on 19 April 2016 in the criminal case and therefore could not participate in the proceedings, which violated his rights.

The applicant's interests in the ECHR were represented by lawyer T. Khanaliev, no financial claims were made.

In the case of Brilliant Aliyeva and four other applicants against Azerbaijan, the applicants complained about the unlawfulness of the ban on peaceful assembly.

In the course of the proceedings the parties reached an amicable settlement. The court ruled that each of the applicants (B. Aliyeva, Saadat Gadirova, Dunya Aliyeva, Sakinahanim Gulaliyeva, Natig Aleskerov) should be paid compensation for moral damage and court costs in the amount of EUR 1,750.

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