Father of beaten soldier complains of bias investigation

Military commanders and military prosecutors want to cover up the tough beating of the soldier Jeyhun Bayramov and take away those responsible. Turan was told by the soldier's father Hikmet Bayramov. According to him, after the physical abuse of the soldier took about 20 days, but the investigation has not filed a criminal case.

Jeykhun was drafted in January of 2013 from Agjabedi and passed NCO courses in Baku. Then he was sent to serve in the Gadabay district.

May 25 during the training exercise at the landfill the soldier got sunstroke and was delivered with a high temperature to the sanitary unit. Here, in spite of poor health, colleagues tried to get him to do cleaning. When the exhausted soldier refused to do so, he was severely beaten. The soldier got worse and the next day he was taken to the Ganja hospital where the doctors found his spleen lacerated.

At present, the soldier is treated at a military hospital in central Baku. Damage to the spleen also caused problems in the liver, and the soldier is doomed to live with the problem.

According to H. Bayramov, the Gazakh Military Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation, but there are no results.

"We are not provided any information about the progress of the case. My son was beaten by the soldiers named Gasimov and Sanli. However, they are not brought to justice. Moreover, at the beginning of July, they will be fired. We believe that the investigation is not interested in the investigation and wants to hush up the case.

The commander of the military unit, where my son served, sent a fax to the hospital, saying that my son allegedly fell," said the father of the soldier.

After complaints to the President, the Attorney General, and the Military Prosecutor, Bayramov received from the Military Prosecutor a reply that the Gazakh Military Prosecutor was requested to inform the parents about the progress of the investigation.

"The investigator verbally says there is a criminal case under Article 126 (intentional infliction of grievous bodily injury), but there are no official documents. We do not believe this, and we believe that for some reason they want to cover up the crime. The parents of these soldiers did not even apologize for what happened," said Bayramov.

In turn, the Military Prosecutor's Office investigator in Gazakh, Rashad Naghiyev told Turan that "the investigation is continuing." On the question whether the criminal case started, he said that "the investigation has only just begun."

He refused of other comments, advising to contact the press office of the Military Prosecutor's Office.   -06B-

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