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Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/25.08.23/Turan: The first 20 families will return to Zabukh village of Lachyn region today.

The ceremony of seeing off 88 people took place in the morning of 25 August at Gobupark-3 IDP housing complex in Garadagh district of Baku.

At the first stage, 223 modern private houses were built in Zabukh village, as well as all necessary social infrastructure was provided for the returning population, said deputy chairman of the State Committee for Refugees Fuad Huseynov.

It may be recalled that Zabukh village of Lachyn region was liberated from Armenian occupation on 26 August 2022 in accord with the terms of the trilateral statement of the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and France dated 10 November 2023.

The Lachyn region of Azerbaijan was occupied by Armenians in May 1992. It is worth adding that the region has never been a part of Nagorno-Karabakh. -06B-

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