Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan Formulated Code of Ethics for Officials

President Ilham Aliyev outlined the moral code of the Azerbaijani officials. "Public officials should serve, and to serve the people. Of this I have already spoken. A government official in society should be a model for every citizen. A model of modesty, purity and service to the motherland. State officials should be the chosen people. Their professional and moral qualities should be at a high level. Official-citizen relations should be based on the basis of respect. Where there are deficiencies, violations, of course, measures, and this process would continue, "- said Aliyev April 14 at the government meeting dedicated to socio-economic development of the country in the first quarter of 2013 . 

Aliyev Called for "More Serious Fight against Bribery and Corruption."

Aliyev repeatedly urged officials to modesty. However, not a single senior official has declared to publicly disclose their income and other assets, as required by law. Moreover, the amendments made in the legislation last year allow public officials to hide their shares in commercial entities from legal check. So the law creates officials quite comfortable conditions for not modest, but people rather preferring a life of luxury. -06D -


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