Islamic Party Asks President to Release Islamists

The Islamic Party asked the head of state to the release the convicted members of the party from prison.

The appeal says about the humanism of Islam and the construction of new mosques in Azerbaijan. Against this background, they note the arrest of the faithful, the ban on religious attributes, which is regarded as a manifestation of "atheism of the Soviet regime."

In particular, the arrest of such figures as the leader of the Islamic Party Movsum Samedov, Faramaz Abbasov, Abgul Suleimanov, Taleh Baghirzadeh and Elshan Mustafayev is a blow to the true religion.

The appeal recalls the harsh conditions of detention of believers, without a counsel, with the lack of regular meetings with their families and with health problems.

The authors of the appeal asked the head of state to eliminate all these negative aspects and to release the Islamists from prison. -05D04-

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