Since 2018, the biggest problem in connection with Nagorno-Karabakh has been  a situation when wArmenia inevitably had to go either through concessions or war. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this on June 12, speaking in the Armenian parliament.

“I asked myself the question: okay, if we make this concession, another concession, where will the process of concessions stop? I couldn't answer this question then.

Do I have an answer to this question now? Yes, the answer to this question is 29,743 square kilometers of Armenia,” he said.

According to Pashinyan, it would be correct to accept this at that time and say that Nagorno-Karabakh should be recognized as an autonomy within Azerbaijan, with the logic that it should be not only Armenian, but also Azerbaijani, with joint governance, he said.

«The limit of our concessions should be 29,743 square kilometers. I say this, and I understand that at that time I would not have dared to say such a thing. I couldn't convince myself of this. And this is my biggest mistake and my failure. The statesman had to understand that all this had to be taken upon himself. And today I do this. If I don't take it upon myself, no one else will. This is my duty,” - quotes Pashinyan.

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