“Lawyers ask the ECHR to protect the sources of information of “Abzas Media”

“Lawyers ask the ECHR to protect the sources of information of “Abzas Media”

Baku/23.11.23/Turan: Lawyers of the director and editor-in-chief of the online edition of “Abzas Media” - Ulvi Hasanli and Sevinj Vagifgizi appealed to the European Court of Human Rights in accordance with the Article  39 of the Rules of Court. This norm allows us to consider the appeal as a priority, lawyer Elchin Sadygov told Turan.

The reason for the appeal is the seizure of computers and phones belonging to “Abzas Media” without a court decision.

According to the lawyer, information from these carriers can be used to harass sources of journalistic investigations. Therefore, the ECHR's appeal contains a request to prohibit the government from pursuing the alleged sources of information and return the seized equipment to the owners.

"We hope that the ECHR will make a decision today or tomorrow to protect the rights of Hasanli and Vagifgizi, protect their lives and the safety of their sources," the lawyer said.

The lawyer also met with Vagifgiz in the pre-trial detention center today.

According to him, the journalist remains cheerful, said that she would not turn off her path and sent greetings to her family, friends and colleagues. –06B-

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