Meeting of the CIS heads of state in Minsk: Commonwealth narrows

The annual meeting of the Presidents of the Commonwealth countries is held in Minsk this time without their Ukrainian colleague Poroshenko (official Kiev has not informed at what level it will be represented), RIA Novosti reported.

This, however, was expected after the failure of Ukraine's chairmanship in the CIS in the spring of this year, the Russian news agency writes further.

While the ranks of CIS leaders suffer new losses (a few years ago Georgia left its ranks), new alliances in the post-Soviet space are only gaining momentum. It is expected that in Minsk the Treaty establishing the Eurasian Economic Union, which was signed in May by Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, will be joined by Armenia. Also documents will be signed that in the future Kyrgyzstan will join the union.

In addition to organizational issues the heads of  EEC member countries will discuss measures to protect the common market in the light of the economic association of the European Union and Ukraine.

Presidential aide Yury Ushakov said that prepared for the meeting are a number of documents aimed at "deepening multifaceted cooperation, strengthening the international drug control system, anti-trafficking, the fight against illegal migration, strengthening of financial control."

Total the meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State will consider 17 draft documents aimed at further development of international cooperation in the humanitarian, security and other areas.

It is planned to make a decision "On Declaring 2016 the Year of Education in the CIS" and to launch the Interstate program "Cultural capital of the Commonwealth" in the Russian Federation and Tajikistan, which will be held in Voronezh and Kulob. It is expected that the heads of state will approve a joint appeal to the peoples of the Commonwealth and the international community in connection with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.

At a meeting of the Interstate Council of the presidents of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan they will summarize the work of the EurAsEC for 14 years and sign a treaty on the termination of its activities from January 1, 2015, when it will be replaced by the Eurasian Economic Union.

As told Ushakov, the leaders of the EEC countries will separately consider the interaction of an alliance with foreign partners. "This matter will be given, I would say, a special attention because of a number of countries shows informal practical interest in expanding cooperation with the Union. Moreover, they will discuss the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.

"All three countries are united in the fact that the Association Agreement (EU-Ukraine - Ed.) will in general provide deterrent effect on trade and economic relations with Ukraine, but all are also aware that the implementation of the economic and trade agreement is delayed until 31 December 2015, which makes it possible to discuss all outstanding issues," said the presidential aide.

Speaking at the summit, President Ilham Aliyev said that "Azerbaijan attaches great importance to participation in the CIS, in fact within the organization a lot has been achieved in understanding each other's problems."

Also Aliyev expressed concern on regional security issues. "" We are concerned with the situation developing in the Middle East and the European side," TASS cites the words of the President of Azerbaijan. -0

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