"Musavat"  sues the Attorney General

“Musavat" party intends to actively campaign against the constitutional amendment, said in an interview with "Voice of America" the head of "Musavat" Arif Hajili.

The party has already created an initiative  group "Republic" to campaign registration of the amendments to the Constitution.

 The agitation group  will allow "Musavat" to get access to television, to hold mass actions, explain citizens the unacceptability of the proposed changes to the Constitution, their contradiction to republican values. "Musavat" also intends to cooperate in this matter with other political organizations.

Thus, the Youth Movement D18 has joined the "Republic" group. Discussions also took place with NİDA and REAL Movements that intend to participate in this process in one way or another.

However, Hajili expressed regret that it was not possible to create a single common center of all forces opposing the amendments. Nevertheless, the "Musavat" is going as far as possible to achieve co-ordination of Democratic Forces.

As for the public reaction to the amendments,  Hajili  pointed  that the authorities have launched a special process during the holiday season. At the same time, the authorities did not provide explanations about the need for change, in the press and on television, this topic is not discussed.

Hajili also said about the filing a lawsuit  by "Musavat"  against the Attorney General in connection with the lack of response to the appeal of the party about the investigation information on "Panama dossier" - a Panamanian offshore belonging to Aliyev’s family.—06D--

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