Baku/28.07.22/Turan: According to the press service of the Milli Majlis, representatives of all political parties represented in the Parliament have addressed the Chairman of the Milli Majlis regarding the preparation of this bill, so the preparation of the bill has already begun.

According to the statement, given the public significance of this law, political parties registered in Azerbaijan are invited to submit their proposals on the new bill to the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan.

As the deputy of the Milli Majlis, a member of the Audit Commission of the Yeni Azerbaijan Party, Elman Nasirov, told Turan, the adoption of the mentioned new law cannot be considered an accident. "As Azerbaijan is developing rapidly, new political realities are emerging. Under our commander-in-chief, our invincible army has restored historical justice, and we have already created new realities in the world. In such a situation, changes are already taking place in all spheres, a very serious course of reforms is being implemented."

According to the deputy, political parties, which are an important element of the political system, cannot stay away from this process. "I think that the main thing for us is not the number of political parties. The most important thing is quality. In the world's leading states, several political parties determine the country's climate."

According to him, these realities should be taken into account and a healthy political struggle should be waged. "There is a ruling party, the main opposition party, there should be other political parties. Such a system should be formed, which should create wider opportunities for the activities of all parties. These opportunities have been created by our state, and their further expansion is one of the main tasks."

The member of the PYA noted that these realities will be taken into account when developing a new law. "A new political culture has been formed in Azerbaijan, an environment of political dialogue has emerged. Considering this, it is very important to take this into account in the bill "On Political Parties".

Deputy Erkin Gadirli from the "REAL" Party, represented in the Milli Majlis, told Turan that it is expected that the bill will be prepared for the autumn session. "The current law is the law of 1992. If this law were applied correctly, it would be possible to live with it. But in principle there are outdated provisions. Since then, the electoral system and several legislative acts have changed; however, the Law "On Political Parties" has remained the same.

The deputy noted that there may be a place for party registration, participation in elections and internal structure. "Our expectation as a party is liberalization, for which a regulatory framework should be formed. The political arena needs a qualitative renewal and openness."

The head of the Musavat party, Arif Hajili, said that it is normal to change and improve various laws from time to time. "Unfortunately, amendments to the Constitution or laws in Azerbaijan are usually reactionary. If there were any changes in referendums, democratic institutions and freedoms during this period, these changes were always aimed at limiting the activities of real opposition parties and civil society."

He noted in this context that he does not expect positive results from any changes in the law. "But in any case, we will discuss this issue, and the Musavat Party will make decisions on this issue. If a general decision is made, we will develop additions and amendments to the draft law or a new draft law."--0-

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