PACE urged to transfer Russia's assets to Ukraine and admit Kosovo to the Council of Europe

PACE urged to transfer Russia's assets to Ukraine and admit Kosovo to the Council of Europe

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), at a plenary meeting in Strasbourg, recommended today that "Russian state assets be confiscated and used" in support of the reconstruction of Ukraine. This will "strengthen Ukraine, ensure Russia's accountability and deter other future aggression."  A resolution with this content, based on the report of Lulzim Bashi (Albania), was adopted unanimously.  PACE believes that "the aggressor state, Russia, is obliged to pay full compensation for the damage caused by its illegal actions, including the destruction of infrastructure, human casualties and economic difficulties."

The resolution also says that the financial assets of the Russian state, frozen by a number of countries (about 300 billion US dollars), should be provided for the restoration of Ukraine. Documented damage to Ukraine's infrastructure and economy reached $416 billion in June 2023."

PACE called for the creation of an "international compensation mechanism" under the auspices of the Council of Europe. She also recommended the creation of an "international trust fund", where the seized state assets of the Russian Federation will be added. On April 16, PACE also recommended inviting Kosovo to become a member of the Council of Europe and monitoring the country's compliance with its obligations.

The report was prepared by Dora Bakoyannis (Greece) and was adopted by 131 votes in favor, with 29 against and 11 abstentions. The decision notes that "the creation of an Association of Municipalities with a Serbian majority would be an "important step" to ensure the protection of the rights of Kosovo Serbs."

This "should be part of the future consideration by the Committee of Ministers of Kosovo's application for membership in the Council of Europe."

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