Pashinyan accuses Russia of betrayal and promises to protection the country's independence

Baku/24.09.23/Turan: "Azerbaijan's attack on Armenia shows that the external security systems in which we are represented are not effective in terms of the state interests and security of Armenia. This was evident during the 44-day war, during the events of May and November 2021, and in September 2022. This list can be continued." This was stated by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in his address to the people today. 

He accused the Russian peacekeepers of inaction during the "capture" by Azerbaijanis of a number of villages in Karabakh and the capture of dozens of Armenian servicemen, "intimidation" of the Armenian population, "blocking of the Lachin corridor and attack on Nagorno-Karabakh on September 19." 

 All this "raraise serious questions about the goals and motives of Russian peacekeepers," he said. 

If real living conditions for the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh and effective protection mechanisms are not created, they will be forced to leave "their homeland". 

"The responsibility for this development will fall entirely on Azerbaijan, which pursues a policy of ethnic cleansing, and the Russian peacekeeping force in Nagorno-Karabakh," Pashinyan stressed. 

He further indirectly accused Russia of violating its obligations and seeking to deprive Armenia of its independence. 

«Armenia has never renounced its allied obligations and has never betrayed its allies, but the events have shown that the security system and the allies on which we have relied for many years "set the task of showing our vulnerability and justifying the impossibility for the Armenian people to have an independent state," Pashinyan said. 

"Now the allies jeopardize not only our external, but also internal security and stability, violating all the norms of ethics of diplomatic and interstate relations," he continued, without naming whom he has a viida. "We will take all measures to protect our independence," he added, promising to strengthen external and internal security measures. -02B-

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