Pashinyan hopes prisoner exchange will bring peace with Azerbaijan

Pashinyan hopes prisoner exchange will bring peace with Azerbaijan

Baku/14.12.23/Turan: The exchange of prisoners can be considered a "zero point" in relations between Yerevan and Baku. It could make it possible to start the process of concluding a peace agreement. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said this at a ministerial meeting of landlocked developing countries in Yerevan.

"We can try to make efforts so that all subsequent news will increase the likelihood of a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan," Pashinyan said.

The main question is related to principles the peace will be concluded. "The main principles are three. First, the agreements on the transport blockade should be based on the principle of sovereignty, jurisdiction, equality and reciprocity of countries. The second principle is that Armenia and Azerbaijan recognise each other's territorial integrity, namely that Armenia's territory is 29,800 kilometres and Azerbaijan's territory is 86,600 square kilometres. The third principle is that the demarcation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan should be based on the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration," the Prime Minister said.

This will make it possible to restore rail and road communications with Azerbaijan and Turkey in two existing directions: through the Gazakh region of Azerbaijan and through Meghri, which connects the western regions of Azerbaijan with Nakhchivan.

Motorways between Armenia and Azerbaijan can also be opened along these directions. Armenia is also ready to open railways and motorways with Turkey, which will have a significant impact on economic and cultural relations and global security issues, Pashinyan said.

The entire infrastructure of these communications should operate under the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the countries through which they pass, he said. "Each country will ensure border and customs control and security of all infrastructure, including the passage of citizens, goods and vehicles through these communications on its territory," he stressed. -0-

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