"Reporters Without Borders" Condemn Violence Against Abzas Media Journalists in Baku Pretrial Detention Center
"Reporters Without Borders" Condemn Violence Against Abzas Media Journalists in Baku Pretrial Detention Center
The press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has condemned the abuse of female journalists from Abzas Media, who are being held in Baku's pretrial detention center. "RSF condemns the ill-treatment of Abzas Media journalists Sevinj Vagifgizi, Nargiz Absalamova, and Elnara Gasymova. They have threatened to go on hunger strike if the pressure on them in the detention center does not stop. Journalists must be released," RSF stated a message posted on their “X” (formerly Twitter) account.
It should be noted that the journalists in detention recently reported pressure and violence from the administration of the pretrial detention facility. It is also important to recall that six employees of Abzas Media were arrested in November 2023 on fabricated charges of currency smuggling.
“Репортеры без границ” осудили насилие против журналисток Abzas Media в Бакинском СИЗО
Организация в защиту прессы «Репортеры без границ» осудила факты насилия против содержащихся в Бакинском СИЗО журналисток издания Abzas Medai
“РБГ осуждают жестокое обращение с журналистками Abzas Media - Севиндж Вагифгызы, Наргиз Абсаламовой и Эльнарой Гасымовой. Они пригрозили объявить голодовку, если давление на них в СИЗО не прекратится. Журналисты должны быть освобождены». Говорится в сообщении РБГ на их аккаунте на платформе X.
Напомним, что накануе содержащиеся в заключении журналистки сообщении о давлении и насилии на них со стороны администрации Следственного изолятора.
* Напомним, что 6 сотрудников издания Abzas Media были арестованы в ноябре 2023 года по надуманному обвинения в контрабанде валюты.
On Monday, the wife, mother, and children of political activist and first-degree disabled Famil Khalilov visited him at the medical facility of the Justice Ministry’s Main Medical Directorate to persuade him to abandon his dry hunger strike, which he began on November 28. His wife and mother wept, pleading with the prisoner to eat. The detention center chief also joined the conversation. However, F. Khalilov refused, stating that he would not eat, drink, or take medications until he is released or placed under house arrest.
On the evening of December 2, the Nasimi District Court issued administrative penalties to 6 activists of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) detained during the trial of the leader of this organization, Ali Karimli.
The opposition Musavat Party has announced its participation in the upcoming municipal elections in Azerbaijan, scheduled for January 29, 2025. This decision was made today by the party's Executive Board. The responsibility for participating in the elections with the party's candidates and nominating candidates will lie with the party's regional organizations.
Ten activists from the National Front Party, detained on Monday outside the Nasimi District Court, were reportedly beaten at the 20th police station of the Nasimi district in Baku. A protocol was drawn up against them under Articles 510 and 535.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (minor hooliganism and disobedience to police), one of the detainees, Gülnara Rahimova, who was released, told Turan.
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